Description and function of the tabs on the Pro-Stitcher Lite work space
Version PS Connect Beta 24.10.0827
Important Note: If you are using a different version, your screen may look different and your buttons may be in a different location.
Simulation Mode: Photos are with the PSL in Simulation Mode. The crosshairs are green in simulation mode. You cannot quilt in simulation mode. When your tablet is connected to your machine and you are using your software to quilt, your crosshairs will be orange.
Ready to start learning how to use PSL? Let’s start with the File Tab. With the File Tab, you have these buttons available on the Ribbon: Design, Save, Close, Clear All, Update, and Shutdown. Let’s dive in and learn what each button does, so you can get started with PSL and start creating your quilting designs!
File >Design
When you press the Design button on the Ribbon under the File Tab, a pop-up window opens.
As shown in the screenshot above, you have two options: opening a file or selecting a previously opened design.
The last ten designs that have been opened will be available in the drop-down menu. By selecting one of these designs, it will open on your workspace.
If the design you want is not in the drop-down menu, you can select “Open” and choose a design from either one saved to your tablet or a USB drive.
Next, let’s explore the basics of this pop-up window. On the left-hand side, you’ll find a list of folders. To the right, you’ll see a display of design files. To select and place a design on your workspace, you can either double-tap the desired file or select the design and press the “Open” button.
When you press “Save Selected”, a pop-up window will appear, offering you the option to choose where and how to save your design.
Pay attention to the folder that is highlighted. This is where your design will be saved. (The last folder used for saving is the one that will be highlighted by default.) If you want to change the location where your design is saved, simply select a different folder from the list on the left.
To modify the name of your design, click on the prefilled name at the bottom of the screen. Use the keyboard that appears to enter your desired name, then hit “Save” to confirm.
You have two options when choosing Close: Selected and Area
Selected will close all designs selected on the work space. It is possible to leave designs on the work space by deselecting them before using this button.
Area is a short cut used to close the Area on the work space.
File>Clear All
This will clear both the Area and all designs on the work space. It will clear designs whether they have been selected or not. This does not clear the Frame Space.
Use this button when doing a Version update or carriage update from a USB stick.
You have three options to shut down your tablet: Shut Down, Restart, and Exit to Windows
Shut Down will turn off the tablet. This is the best way to turn off your tablet when you are finished quilting.
Reboot will restart the tablet. Use this option when restarting your tablet after changing Simulation Mode.
Exit to Windows will close the Pro-Stitcher Lite program. This option is best when you are working in Simulation Mode and are finished using PSL. Using this option will avoid the program from shutting down your computer.
Ok, you have a basic knowledge of the File Tab. We will take a deep dive into some of the features in the File tab in another post.
Happy learning!
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